Genesis 8:22 (NKJV)
“While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.”
Nothing is as permanent as change. And whereas everything changes, nothing is as constant as change. Yes, everything changes. We also know that change is a component of time. Therefore, everything that is within time experiences change. As the seasons change, so everything else does.
I have heard a lot of people say “as for me that’s who I am. I cannot change”. I know you have probably heard a few people say such things too. But the older I get, the more I realize that statement is not true.What they are really saying is “I will not change”; because everybody and anybody can change. It is only the dead who can’t change and fools won’t either. I hope you are none of the two.
As a matter of fact, three types of change confront us: change that happens around us, change that happens within us and change that we make happen. If you ignore the seasons of change, you will forfeit destiny. It is said that change occurs only when the pain of remaining the same exceeds the pain of change. Change is difficult for many, because nothing is more secure than the familiar. Some folks desperately hold on to the past so strongly that even when a blind man can see there is the need for change, they refuse to change. You have already been in your past, it didn’t satisfy you else you would have stayed there. You will never be able to change what you tolerate, so don’t complain about something you tolerate. We are creatures of habit and so we find it difficult to change old habits. Learn to hate the chains of any habit that enslaves you. CHANGE!
God will always change you to something greater, not average. And that change will never be intended to make you miserable but to make you effective. To get where you want to be, you must be willing to leave where you are. Change what you believe in, in order to change what you achieve. Change the way you talk, to change the way you walk, because your body will not go where your mind has not been. Change the seed you sow in order to change the harvest you reap. What is even true is that, if you don’t like your harvest, change your seed.
In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock but for Christ sake, if your horse is dead, for goodness sake – dismount.
If you were ok in your present state, God would not have initiated the change in your life. What you are today will not take you into the future He’s planning for you; hence the change. Please take an inventory of your life today and find out the things you need to change and take the necessary steps to bring that change. Is it your marriage, your relationships, your character or your attitude? I am pleading with you by the mercies of God, CHANGE. And for Christ sake don’t change from good to bad. When I say change, I am asking that you change from bad to good, good to better and more importantly better to best.
I will leave you for now. If we don’t meet again, I will see you at the dinner table in Papa’s house.
Rev. Kingsley Ayesu.